How to Print Your Pictures Using 'GIMP'

'GIMP' Icon

'GIMP' Toolbox

'GIMP' program fired up

Step 1.

First, start up the 'GIMP' program.

You can do this by, left clicking on the Start Button (which is located at the bottom left corner of your computer screen) and then clicking on the 'GIMP' icon (if it is present) or by, left clicking on 'All Programs' and selecting 'GIMP' from the list that appears.

Step 2.

Next, press the 'Alt' and 'PrtSc' keys together to capture your artwork and copy it to the clipboard.

Tip 1.

Pressing the 'Alt' and 'PrtSc' keys together copies the current window contents to the clipboard so remember to ensure that the last 'thing' you clicked on was your drawing page on the website.

Tip 2.

The 'Alt' key is usually located towards the left hand side on the bottom row of your keyboard and the 'PrtSc' key is usually to be found on the top row just to the right of the F1 to F12 keys.

Webpage copied into 'GIMP' program

Step 3.

Now, left click on 'Edit' (which is on the top row of the GIMP screen next to 'File')and select 'Paste' from the drop down menu that apears.

This will copy the contents of the clipboard into the main window of the GIMP program ready for editing.

Drag a rectangle around the part of the canvas that you want to print out
'Rectangle Selection' icon

Step 4.

Left click on the 'Rectangle Select' icon which is located in the top right corner of the GIMP 'Tools' popup and drag a rectangle around the picture that you want to print out.

'Save As' dialogue box

Step 5.

Once you have made your selection, left click on 'Edit' on the top bar. Scroll down to 'Copy' and left click the mouse. This will copy everything inside the rectangle to the clipboard.

Then, left click on 'Edit' again and select 'Paste As' together with 'New Image'. This will copy everything inside the rectangle to a new image for you.

picture printed using GIMP

Step 6.

Now, you can simply left click on 'File' on the top row of the GIMP program followed by 'Print' to print out your picture.


You can also give your picture a name and save it at the same time by clicking on 'File' and selecting 'Save as...' from the drop down menu.